The Rock

Who we are

The Rock Student Ministries at MBC PW exists to connect teenagers to biblical community and develop fully devoted followers of Christ. We are a Gospel-advancing ministry made up of students from 6th through 12th grade, who are passionate about the study of God’s word and reaching the lost world around us.


Midweek Small Groups are a great opportunity for ALL students (6th – 12th grade) to connect around the Word of God. We gather on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 pm. Students gather first in a large group for prayer and teaching time before breaking into smaller groups by grade and gender for deeper discussion.

Stay updated on our weekly schedule by joining our parent newsletter. If you need to be added to our newsletter, please email Keith Seymour.

Middle School Community

We invite our middle school students (6th-8th grade) to join us for Sunday Community at 11 am in the Rock. The Rock Middle School Community is a topical Bible study designed to engage relevant issues with the Word of God through teaching and discussion. You can access our Calendar above to see which dates we meet.

Summer and Winter Camps

At camp, students get away from all the distractions of life in the DMV and spend a few days living the life God designed for them—worshipping the Lord, studying His word, and spending time with His people. While away, students have the chance to make and build deep friendships while participating in tons of fun adventures, competitions, and activities. Year after year, we’ve seen God change students’ lives and eternities through camp.


HS Summer Camp July 11 – July 15, 2025
MS Summer Camp July 31 – August 3, 2025


Stay Connected 

Instagram @therockpw


Email us: [email protected]

Sign Up for the Parent Newsletter