Reaching our city

We glorify God by making disciples and multiplying churches in Greater Washington, D.C. Much of our disciple-making in the D.C. area occurs through our members’ personal witness in their offices, schools, and neighborhoods. But we also unite together in structured outreach to make disciples and multiply churches in our communities.

ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Language)

ESOL is a ministry that continues to grow as we teach English and share the gospel with immigrants from our local community. Classes are Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings. You can participate by teaching, assisting students, driving the van, hospitality, music, or translating.

INFO | contact Cindy Wilbur

Assisted Living Ministry (ALM)

Represent our church at Arbor Terrace, located just 2 miles away from MBC Prince William. Once a month or every other month, volunteers rotate to attend the 9 am MBC Prince William Sunday Service online with Arbor Terrace Residents. Other opportunities to serve with ALM: Monday afternoon visits for Bible Study Occasional visits to sing hymns Seasonal service projects (Easter, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas)

INFO | contact Matthew Berrang

Prison Ministry

3 R Community | Recovery • Restoration • Redemption

What is the 3R Community?

The 3R Community is a Biblically-based worship service that encourages fellowship. We offer a safe place to hear the restorative and redemptive message of Jesus Christ. We meet on Sundays at 1 pm at 9309 Center Street Suite 101 Manassas, VA

Who attends the 3R Community?

All adults may attend, including justice-involved citizens. We welcome probationers and individuals in recovery.

What does the 3R Community look like?

Our gathering begins with fellowship and sharing over a home-cooked meal. Then we have a time of worship with music, Biblical teaching, and prayer.

What can I expect at the 3R Community?

We offer a safe environment to share struggles and encourage others in positive supportive ways. Each of us seeks to serve and grow together through these gatherings.

INFO | contact [email protected]

Foster and Adoption Support Ministry

MBC PW’s Foster and Adoption Support Ministry is launching and needs people just like you. This ministry has diverse opportunities from prayer and encouragement to delivery of hot meals, babysitting, and everyday things like homework help. We coordinate with Project Belong and Foster the Family. These 2 nonprofits vet and link MBC to families requesting support. Many of these families are unchurched. Join us as we are like Aaron and Hur holding up Moses’ arms for victory in Exodus 17.

INFO | contact Hannah Miller

Loch Lomond Elementary School Outreach to Parents and Students

This ministry is a year round ministry to help meet various needs of students such as school supplies, food pantry items and tutoring and reading assistance at this Manassas Park Title 1 school (a Title 1 school is a school which is largely comprised of low income families). We will also be offering ESOL classes at MBC for the parents.



If you represent an organization which would partner with MBC, fill out Local Partnerships Form.


If you have questions, please contact James Kana, [email protected]