One Church, Many Locations

Tysons location on map | round thumbnail size
Arlington location on map | round thumbnail size
Loudoun location on map | round thumbnail size
Montgomery County location on map | round thumbnail size
Montgomery County
Prince William location on map | round thumbnail size
Prince William
Tysons location on map | round thumbnail size
Arlington location on map | round thumbnail size
Loudoun location on map | round thumbnail size
Montgomery County location on map | round thumbnail size
Montgomery County
Prince William location on map | round thumbnail size
Prince William

Our mission is to glorify God by making disciples and multiplying churches among all nations beginning in greater Washington, DC. 

The Best News

No matter who we are, where we are from, or what we have done, we are all supernaturally loved by God and wonderfully made in His image. The bad news is that we have all turned away from God; we have all chosen our ways over His ways, and we are separated from God, evident in all sorts of suffering we experience in this world. But the best news is that God has not left us alone in our separation. God has come to us in the person of Jesus, and He has made a way for every single one of us to be restored to a relationship with God not just in this world, but for all of eternity. There is no better news than this!

You belong here

No matter what you’ve been through or where you’ve come from, you are welcome here. Join us to see why God’s family is no ordinary family.

We’re looking forward to connecting with you! We’d love for you to join us Sunday morning for a worship gathering at a location near you. Whether you’re new to MBC or you’ve been here for awhile, MBC Connect is the best way to get connected at MBC. You’ll learn all about our church, how to connect into a church group, ways to serve, membership, local and global outreach, and more!