The Beyond Fund invests in new expansion ministries that prioritize planting churches among unreached people and places (i.e., little to no access to the gospel). We seek the most effective and biblically faithful ministry partners who are building sustained access to the gospel in places where it is not yet known.
Gospel projects help to establish minimum necessary sustained access to the gospel. Access to the gospel is sustained when foundational gospel infrastructure is established and there is an adequate minimum spread of these structures throughout the people. Foundational Gospel infrastructure includes the following: local Christians, local evangelism, the full Bible in the local language, healthy churches, local pastors, local pastor training, Christian books and worship songs in the local language, and theological education institutions.
Specific details are protected because this work happens in very unreached and high persecution contexts. Persecution is one reason these places are so hard to reach and remain unreached. We will share details that are safe to communicate.