Below is a snapshot of what’s coming up soon! If you have any other questions, we’d love to help. Stop by our connect room after any service or look for anyone wearing a blue name tag.
Stay up to date on all that’s happening here at MBC Prince William, by signing up for our enews!
We’re excited to gather with you this Sunday at 9 and 11 am at 10002 Battleview Pkwy, Manassas, VA 20109. If you’re unable to join us in person, tune in live HERE at 9 am and 11 am EST.
Kid’s Quest | Early Childhood and Elementary Leaders
ESOL | Teachers, Helpers, and Hospitality
Midweek Small Groups are a great opportunity for ALL students (6th – 12th grade) to connect around the Word of God. Students gather first in a large group for prayer and teaching time before breaking into smaller groups by grade and gender for deeper discussion.