"Thank You" Initiative

The pandemic has been hard on all of us, but it would be even harder without local workers in our community who are working every day to help keep us all going. They are our first responders, school staff, maintenance crews, health care professional, grocery store employees, delivery and postal service workers and more! Their work has helped sustain our daily lives and provided some level of normalcy during these very abnormal times, and just by showing up for work they are also often putting their health on the line to serve others.

Therefore, we as a church want to bless those who have been a constant blessing to all of us in a really hard season by designating February 6-13 THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO week in our local neighborhoods and communities! And that’s where YOU come in.


One of the ways we’ll be honoring these extraordinary workers among us is by delivering “Thank You” boxes from MBC MoCo with an encouraging note and a few treats for them to enjoy. The boxes will be delivered during the week of February 6 by volunteer and staff leaders to specific schools and health care centers in our local area.

If you’d like to help pack these gift boxes on Saturday, February 6 at 12:30-1:30 pm at MoCo, please sign up HERE(Note that a temperature and C-19 symptoms check will be administered at the door, and social distancing and masks will be required at all times during the packing event.)


Then, from Saturday, February 6 – Saturday, February 13, we encourage you to reach out to the everyday heroes in your community with a simple note of gratitude, letting them know how much you appreciate all they do. This is an outreach that students and kids can easily get involved with, too!


  1. PICK UP some THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO cards from the MBC Montgomery County location starting Saturday, February 6 at 12:30 pm (they’ll be in a storage box right outside the front door all week) to write personal notes of appreciation, and give them to the people in your community that you want to honor during the week. It can be the crew collecting your trash, your checkout clerk at the grocery store, the firefighter at your local station, or a child’s teacher (if they’re in person). If all parties are willing too, we would love to see socially distanced photos of your appreciation moments! Email your pics to Adei Batsuli and you might see your photo posted to MBC MoCo’s social media.
  2. DOWNLOAD the THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO digital image HERE text or email it people or an organization you want to appreciate, or post the image and your note to their Facebook or Twitter page! We realize everyone’s level of in person interaction with others looks different right now, so honoring someone virtually is always an option.

Then, share how you’ve thanked and encouraged others with your handwritten or digitally-delivered words by posting on social media and using the #thanku4ALLudo. We can’t wait to see/hear all about the MBC MoCo church family thanking others for all they do!


We’re here to help! Please email Adei Batsuli.