The prophetic books of the Old Testament present unique challenges—complex visions, unfamiliar cultural references, and prophecies that may appear disconnected from our modern world. In this class,...
Members of MBC who are wanting to deepen their faith and hone their skills (and aren’t afraid to put in some work) are encouraged to sign-up for Equipped: A Discipleship Intensive and Cohort....
It is a 12 week class starting on Tuesday, January 21/2025. It is on zoom every Tuesday 7:00-8:30PM. It is free but we would love you to be committed to this time of study together.
It is...
Wednesdays, September 25, 2024 - July 9, 2025,
7-9 PM
Cost: $15 per person
This marriage enrichment program examines God’s design for marriage and applies biblical...