Get Connected today!

We believe that church is much more than an event on Sunday. Church is a family. We are a group of people who love one another, and we join into meaningful community together. We are committed to nurturing the spiritual health of the body of Christ at MBC by creating and strengthening opportunities for biblical community for every group member at every MBC Location. 

Church Groups are uniquely designed to help us leverage the strengths of a large church and yet offer the benefits of a small church community so that no one slips through the cracks.  

In short, it’s how we can make a very large church serve as a meaningful family. When we gather together to do all that the Bible says a church should do, we know it is for God’s glory and for our greatest good.

Where do I start?

MBC Connect is the best way to get connected into an MBC Church Group. In addition to learning about our church, we’ll connect you to a Church Group that is meeting in your area. We look forward to seeing you there!

Choose a location nearest you for more information: Tysons | Loudoun | Prince William | Montgomery County | Arlington

What is a church group?

At MBC, groups are the primary way that we care for one another, grow together to be more like Christ, and make disciples together both locally and globally. Church Groups are designed to be representative of the entire body of Christ. Many of our Church Groups begin in different ways, meet in different places, and may look different from one another at any given time, but we are actively working to see each group represented by men and women of all ages and backgrounds, married and single, and families with and without children. That means, there is a place for you in an MBC Church Group! 


Additional Information

Resources for Church Group Leaders

Church Group Stories

A Church Group Story

The Burrises | MBC Loudoun Church Group

The Blacks | MBC Loudoun Church Group

Brandon and Sage | MBC Prince William Church Group

MBC Arlington Church Group