Week 30 | Pakistan

Pakistan is the second largest country in South Asia
and is known for its rich cultural and geographic
diversity. Today, Pakistan continues to face several
sources of conflict, including rising extremism driven
largely by the Taliban, especially along the border
with neighboring Afghanistan. The country is also
vulnerable to natural disasters and experienced
severe flooding in 2022.

Pakistan has the second-largest concentration of
unengaged, unevangelized peoples and the second largest Muslim population in the world. There are 350
people groups within the country that are considered
unevangelized—many of them without churches,
missionaries, or any Christian witness.

One MBC partner, Masihi Isha’at Khana (“The
Christian Publishing House” or “MIK”), seeks to
edify local churches by publishing faithful Christian
literature for Urdu speakers. MIK also works to
engage and equip pastors by providing theological
training. One pastor said, “This training helped me
understand the main teaching of the New Testament
books; now, based on these key points, I will study the
New Testament in more detail.” Since the devastating
floods of 2022, MIK has also helped hundreds of local
pastors and partnered with their churches to provide
relief aid to their communities.

Last year, through one of these churches, over one hundred
adults professed faith in Christ and began attending
church for the first time. MIK saw similar fruit in a youth
program launched by a partner church. After five years of
faithful participation in this program, seventeen young
people were baptized after professing faith in Christ. The
Lord is working in Pakistan!


  • That God would strengthen the work
    of MIK to encourage more pastors and
  • That God would use the outreach efforts
    of churches as they serve the poor and
    minister to the suffering.
  • That God would sustain believers during
    times of trial so they may continue to
    proclaim Christ.
  • That God would establish more healthy
    churches to partner together for the spread
    of the gospel in Pakistan.

Major Religion: Islam

Joshua Project Status: Unreached

Percent Evangelical: Unknown

Visit Joshua Project to learn more about the unreached in this region.

See the full 2024 Global Outreach Prayer Guide HERE.