Week 18 | ALGERIA

Algeria is the largest nation in Africa, nearly five times the size of Spain. Though Christianity in Algeria has long been established, Muslim occupation has driven many Christians underground to rural areas. In recent years, legislation criminalized evangelism and “non-Muslim worship” outside of preapproved buildings, and authorities have engaged in a targeted campaign against Christians. As a result, local authorities have forcibly shut down many churches. 

Amidst the intensifying persecution, the Algerian church is growing! Years of hard, patient, and prayerful work have resulted in evangelistic fruit in the Algerian church. Berber believers moving into unreached Arab areas with the gospel have seen many Arabs come to faith in Jesus. The church grows as believers face intimidation from family, friends, employers, Muslim extremists, and the government. Algeria has even become a leader in North Africa for theological training and church development, partly because it is legal to print and distribute Bibles there, even as it remains carefully monitored by the government.


  • That God would help Algerian Christians respond to persecution with faith and perseverance.
  • That God would remove corruption from the government and raise up wise leaders.   
  • That God would establish Bible-preaching local churches so that believers can grow in their faith, learn how to share the gospel, and make disciples. 
  • That God would reduce unemployment among Muslim-background believers so that their economic situation might improve.

Major Religion: Islam

Joshua Project Status: Unreached

Percent Evangelical: 0.05% (1 in 2,000)

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See the full 2024 Global Outreach Prayer Guide HERE.