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Our mission is to glorify God by making disciples and multiplying churches among all nations, beginning in greater Washington, DC.

Ministry Profile


Are new attendees and have regularly attended MBC for 2 years or less*


Are new believers and have been a follower of Jesus for 5 years or less*


Are new members

Source: April 2024, Nehemiah 7 Service Attendee Survey


We are not a building. We are not an event. We are a family, God’s family. We come from all walks of life and over 100 nationalities. No matter what you’ve been through or where you’ve come from, you are welcome here. Join us to see why God’s family is no ordinary family.

Our congregants represent over 100 countries around the world, by place of birth.*

I never in a million years would have ever thought I would be going to a megachurch in the suburbs. But here I was... McLean takes much pride in being a multi-ethnic, diverse church with people from over 100 different nations represented in our congregation. I have seen it first hand — when I look around on Sunday I am always so proud of how diverse our church is. In a time where it seems like all that we have are divisions and acrimony in society, I have been inspired every week by what I see at MBC which is *totally* different — people of all different races, ages, nationalities, and backgrounds coming together for the thing — maybe the only thing — we have in common: Jesus.

Last night we installed Mike Kelsey as a new co-lead pastor at our church... His installation service and this whole experience has really restored my faith in humanity. We had a packed church last night, including many people from the church where Mike grew up, his father who is also a preacher gave this barn-burner of a sermon on God, Jesus, Mike, race, our church, his church, everything. It was fantastic!!!!! I was also so happy to see how we incorporated elements of Mike’s church experience from his childhood in our service — the gospel choir combined with the Christian rock band that I love was MAGIC! It was incredibly inspiring, and I could not be prouder to be part of this community.

There are many, many problems with the church in America right now and those kept me away from religion for a long time. I completely understand how people can feel this way...but I am seeing something now that has really touched my heart and brought me to a new understanding of God and his goodness.

Church Milestones

Dec. 2023
Mike Kelsey Installed as Lead Pastor
May 2024
New Loudoun Location Lease Signed

Ministry Reach



People avg/week attended Sunday services in person, 10% increase over prior year.


Unique view average for online Sunday services.


People attended Christmas Eve services in person, 31% increase over prior year. 1500 unique views online.


People attended Easter services in person making it our highest attended service, 5% increase over prior year along with 2,400 unique views online.


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I grew up in a church where I learned a lot about God but not necessarily about Jesus or the gospel message in its entirety. I went throughout my childhood and early adult life struggling to find my identity and placed it in the wrong things at times.

A year and a half ago was the lowest point in my life, marked by severe depression and anxiety. I felt more lost than I ever had. Around that time, by God’s grace, my husband and I stumbled across an MBC sermon on YouTube with the most simple but impactful message - God meets you and loves you where you are.

This incredibly simple statement was truly eye-opening for someone who hadn’t really heard it before. God could love me despite my mess, and Jesus really did want a personal relationship with me. Since coming to Jesus last year, my life truly has changed forever. My anxiety and depression no longer rule my life, and I no longer question my identity. I am God’s daughter.

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One of our toddlers who has now moved onto preschool shared how excited she is for Kid’s Quest every week. Her mom shared with us that she asks for church all week long and is so sad to leave once Kid’s Quest is over on Sunday. It is so special that we can create an environment where she wants to come back to and tell others about throughout the week. I pray we can have all of our kids in Kid’s Quest asking when they are coming back to church, what a blessing!

That day's Kid’s Quest lesson was on Rev. 22, about the new Heaven/Earth, Jesus as King, the Book of Life, etc. The girls asked questions about what it meant to have your name in the Book of Life. We talked about how Jesus died and resurrected to pay the price for our sin and to open the way of salvation so that we can know for sure that we are saved and our names are written in Heaven. I asked if anyone doesn't remember a time where they asked Jesus into their heart and wanted to do so. These three raised their hands and prayed after me to receive Christ (3 out of 4 kids raised their hand).



People avg/week, Kid’s Quest Sunday attendance, 14% increase over prior year


Supporting Kid’s Quest volunteers



Students avg/week attended the Rock on Sundays


Students avg/week attended the Rock midweek

I would not have made it through the last four years without the Rock and my freshman girls small group. Mom passed away on March 9th, 2023, spring of my seventh grade year. I was in the wake of the worst possible thing I could imagine happening, yet God met me. When I was spiritually weak, God was strong. God met me through the Rock camp messages, the small groups, and even my own quiet time.



Total Kid’s Quest, Young Adult, Middle and High School camp attendees


Supporting volunteers

At our Rock High School Summer Camp, we had 27 boys from MoCo huddling up in small groups in one large room. I walked in to observe one night and saw all our guys sitting in rows, clapping for one of our high school guys who was standing at the front. I realized that he must have shared something vulnerable with the guys. What happened after that was pretty amazing - guy after guy went up and began to share openly and vulnerably with everyone. Some confessed sin, others confessed deep pain from their past/present that they were struggling with, and others shared testimonies of God's deliverance and grace in their lives.

After each guy shared, their respective cabin leader prayed for them along with all the other guys in the room. I noticed quickly that there was a tangible shift in the atmosphere of the room. God's presence was tangibly there and was meeting our high school guys through their vulnerability. I saw firsthand how vulnerability is the gateway to intimacy with God and with one another. I felt faith rise up in the room as we closed out in prayer and heard the voices of high school boys agreeing as we prayed, which is something that hadn't happened before. The impact of that night has carried over into deeper conversation and more vulnerability throughout this school year at our Rock Mid-week gatherings. This all started with one high school guy sharing vulnerably about his struggles as prompted by the Holy Spirit. The result was freedom for many!

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Access Ministry led a Family Retreat to Sandy Cove Ministries. With families, volunteers and staff there were over 100 people present at the Retreat and 4 of MBC's Locations were represented through the Access families who attended. So many beautiful highlights from this time together! Volunteers who served at such a high capacity, around the clock supporting and discipling their Access Participant throughout the entire Retreat. Parents who were encouraged by hearing stories from other Access parents who have gone through similar experiences and challenges-- to not give up on the hope we have through Jesus. Teenage siblings who were able to bond together over shared experiences with their sibling with special needs. Three families who told us that this was the first family vacation that they have ever gone on-- they cannot go on a vacation without support from our church-- praise God that MBC Access volunteers gave them their first vacation ever!

When Pastor David went through the gospel and was talking about the beauty God has created. He finished a statement saying you know what is more beautiful in these pictures that God created... It is you. My (Night to Shine) guest definitely understood that and made a noise of excitement. She was so excited to be crowned that she dragged me from the Rock to the Smith Center and wanted to make sure we got a good seat.

I loved the fact that God was honored and mentioned in many ways. Amazed by all the volunteers and how the church leaders were very involved.


Access provides a gospel-centered, inclusive environment for individuals with special needs


People avg/week, ACCESS Sunday attendance, 22% increase over prior year

784 attendees to dedicated ACCESS events:

  • Access family retreat
  • Mom's Fellowship Dinner
  • Serve & Social Weekend
  • Summer Adventure Week
  • Beautiful Blessings
  • Friendship Club
  • Respite Care
  • Night to Shine


People avg/week ADDP attendance

Adults with Disabilities Day Program (ADDP) is a day program for adults with developmental delays. Program goals include spiritual formation, literacy, vocational training, personal care and independence, recreation and leisure, social skills, travel training and community navigation, and self-advocacy.

Ministry Impact


  • Aug. – Sept. 2023 - Following Jesus (A Study in The Book of Mark)
  • Oct. – Dec 2023 - The Beauty of Faith (A Study in the Book of James)
  • Jan. – Feb. 2024 - Being With God (21 Days of Prayer)
  • Feb. – May 2024 - What Could God Do? (A Study in the Book of Nehemiah)
  • June – July 2024 - Adulting IRL i.e. “in real life” (A Study in the Book of Proverbs)
  • Aug. 2024 - A Psalm For Everything (A Study of Psalms)



Baptisms across locations

I came to know Christ through the supportive community at Mclean Bible/Young Adult Ministry. The community here has singlehandedly saved my life...God has given me so much peace! The enemy wants us more than anything to follow the status quo of superficial faith, I want to get baptized as a declaration of the love I have for God. The joy and peace that he has given me is something that the world never provided.

God is moving with us more than we expected and thought, and day by day we are growing and moving the church to be more heathy and biblically sound. Many people came to join our church recently as committed members, most from Muslim backgrounds. We have around 10 now. I baptized six so far and there are two women pending baptism, as we continue in discipleship with them.” Praise the Lord for the ways he is moving in this region.



GO Partner Fund Giving


GO Missionary Giving


Of giving to contexts with little to no gospel access


Countries/regions impacted because of MBC workers, partner work

Pastoral Training happened in...

  • Central Asia (pastoral interns)
  • Pakistan (pastoral equipping resources)
  • Arabian Peninsula (20+ pastors trained at equipping conference)
  • Kenya (50 pastoral residents trained in yearlong program)
  • South Asia (40 pastoral residents trained in two-yearlong program)
  • Middle East (in four countries, 25+ women trained in biblical teaching)

This internship program has changed my view of ecclesiology and missions. The preaching of the word and biblical books on ecclesiology have helped me to see God’s plan for His church. This program also helped me to be discipled by other brothers in the church and at the same time to have good fellowship and healthy relationships with brethren in the church. Now I am convinced that the mission of the church is to make and mature the disciples of Jesus Christ by planting churches that then plant other churches. I am hoping to learn more about God and His church and prepare myself for the church planting ministry here.

MBC Short-Term Mission Trips

Served with partner churches in the Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, North Africa, France, the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia and Spain for a variety of purposes ranging from local evangelism and outreach, church discipleship, pastoral training and equipping, and more.


  • Started outreach partnerships with 40 local organizations in areas that serve vulnerable populations
  • Delivered 5,250 weekend food bags to local Title 1 school
  • Distributed 628 back-to-school kits and backpacks
  • Sent 400 gifts and encouragement cards to social workers
  • Provided 105 families with clothing and baby items
  • Taught ESOL to 91 students
  • Served 153 families through furniture donation ministries

He came into foster care when he was 12 and has been in residential facilities for six years. He does not have a single person in his support system who wants to be there and isn't paid to be there and he has started losing hope. He has started to hang out with bad influences, experimenting with drugs and alcohol and had his first run in with the police. In a letter to his social worker where he was asked to share about his future goals he said "Why even try, no one loves me, no one will ever love me, I might as well be in jail or homeless." The week after David Platt’s sermon (on foster care), his housing situation unexpectedly ended and we were given two hours to find a place for him to stay temporarily to give the social workers time to find a more permanent solution.

One MBC family immediately agreed. Two hours later he was at their home. Their small group and church pastors provided wrap-around support with check-ins, meals and all showed up to play soccer. Four days later I was with him and out of nowhere he asked me if I could help him get back into high school so that he could become a mechanic. He also asked if he could go to church. He started his first day of his senior year of high school today. More importantly, because of your sermon and because of the MBC family, he has hope. And he knows he is loved, by the MBC family and by God.


  • More than 1,500 people responded to David Platt’s sermon on supporting foster care, and approximately 200 have attended an interest meeting in person.
  • Trained more than 80 people to foster, mentor, lead care teams, and support social workers, with 50 more in the pipeline.
  • Provided foster family support through group meetings, meals, and respite nights.


Support given to those in need from our designated funds across the last 12 months:

Benevolence Assistance
Supporting members and attendees in acute times of need like payments for food, shelter and medical care.
Urgent Outreach Needs
Supporting Emergency Disaster Relief and local needs like foster care, crisis pregnancy care centers, and programs for teenagers and the poor.
Global Missions Support
Supporting partners and missionaries focused on contexts with little to no gospel access.
Support for special needs families, scholarships and military ministries.

Ministry Connection

A shout-out to church groups in general as well -- when I started attending a very large church, a friend of mine who attends a similar church recommend that I take advantage of a church group in order to make the church more intimate. I was hesitant and nervous at first, especially as a new believer. How do I talk about religion in front of a bunch of strangers? Wouldn't these people judge me since I am a baby Christian? But I took the plunge and have no regrets. I have found a kind, supportive, and loving group of amazing people who have drawn me closer to Christ. And I was only able to foster this connection by making the church group a "standing appointment" that I prioritize over most other things on my calendar. Consistently showing up is the best way to build the deeper connections that we long for in life.


At MBC, Church Groups are the primary way that we care for one another, grow together to be more like Christ, and make disciples together both locally and globally. Church Groups are designed to be representative of the entire body of Christ and 124 groups meet all over the DMV led by 246 Church Group leaders.


Of in-person Sunday service attendees are part of a Church Group


Church Groups


Church Group Leaders



Total classes offered


Class registrants


Secret Church is a unique, one-night event that is streamed each spring to tens of thousands of participants around the world. At MBC, 1,100 attendees met for close to six hours for intense study of God’s Word and passionate prayer for the persecuted.


As a church family, we are committed to caring for one another in practical ways.

  • Lay Counselors - Our trained lay counselors provide individual biblical counseling to those facing life’s challenges. This year, they have cared for 125 individuals and made numerous trusted referrals.
  • Counseling Ministries - Our ministries (Re-Generation, Stephen Ministry, Grief Share, Share the Struggle) provided individual and group biblical counseling to nearly 200 people.
  • Marriage Ministries - Our Preparing for Marriage and Re-Engage Ministries have served over 200 people to build a marriage that puts the gospel on full display.

Ministry Future Focus


In so many areas and across our entire church, God has been faithful! In anticipation of what God will continue to do through MBC, these are areas that we are prayerfully seeking God’s course in the coming months:

  • Commitment to biblical teaching and discipleship through the launch of the McLean Bible Institute
  • Continued support for children and families in foster care and adoption
  • Ongoing focus on local and global outreach
  • Investing in building improvements for the next season of ministry


Be a part of what God is doing in the life of McLean Bible Church:

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1310 N Courthouse Rd,
Arlington, VA 22201


43635 Greenway Corp Drive,
Ashburn, VA 20147


12440 Parklawn Drive,
Rockville, MD 20852


10002 Battlefield Parkway,
Manassas, VA 20109


8925 Leesburg Pike,
Vienna, VA 22182