Week 26 | SOUTH ASIA

South Asia is a melting pot for three of the world’s major religions, and one MBC partner is diligently laboring in a local church in one of the most populated cities in this region. A beacon of technology, wealth, and entertainment, this city needs to know about the hope found only in Jesus! 

The mission of this church is to glorify God by making mature, healthy disciples of Christ who can tell others about Christ. With a vision to equip and train leaders and pastors to be sent out to unreached areas throughout the country, they accomplish this aim through a pastoral internship program in partnership with a local seminary. 

Some highlights from 2023 include God saving a young Muslim woman and calling her into a personal relationship with Him. Her mother and sisters are still Muslim and are extremely displeased with her decision. The pastor told us that “[s]he continues to struggle at home because her family is not happy about her decision. However, she is unwavering in her faith. She is even more convinced about the truth of the gospel and continues to share it with her own family. She has motivated our entire church family to dig deeper into Jesus despite difficult circumstances. Pray for her and our entire covenant community.”


  • That God would sustain this young woman and draw her mother and sisters to Christ. 
  • That God would help the new primary school started in late 2023 in support of the seminary to flourish. 
  • That God would allow for the successful planting of a new church in the city-center in 2024. 
  • That God would grant unity to the church, as they transitioned last year to a single-language service.
  • That God would allow the newly constructed faculty housing at the seminary to be well-used for ministry and a blessing to the staff.

Major Religion: Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism

Joshua Project Status: Unreached

Percent Evangelical: Unknown

Visit Joshua Project to learn more about the unreached in this region.

See the full 2024 Global Outreach Prayer Guide HERE.