Updated on 3/30/22

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Afghan Refugee Response

With the takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban and the withdrawal of U.S. troops, thousands of Afghan families are facing an increasingly hostile and unsafe situation. The most vulnerable include Afghans who aided Western governments, women, children, and Christians. Christians comprise just 0.02% of the 40 million total population.

As of the end of March, 2022, there are many Afghan refugees still waiting in temporary housing, and more who will be heading to a local conference center. Unfortunately the system is already overwhelmed and many are experiencing significant roadblocks to getting established here.

For more information, see our FAQs here.

To get involved locally, sign up for our eNews here. And to contribute financially, see the “Give” section below.

If you are an Afghan family in need or know of an Afghan refugee family in need, please contact us using this link.


If you are interested in finding out about the latest opportunities in serving these communities, please sign up here. You will receive an email approximately every other week.

For more information on starting a care team to serve a family, read the FAQs here.


UPDATED (3/30/22) We need YOUR HELP


For each $20,000 raised, MBC can support one refugee family to become self-sustaining and established in this area. This estimate includes help for rent, transportation, food, and personal items to get the family established. Care for the family also requires the commitment of a church group to provide support and relationship in accordance with Samaritan’s Purse training. (See FAQS here)


Through our Samaritan’s Purse partnership, we can join in Christ’s work in our own backyards. Thousands of families – who need of the love of Christ more than anything else – are resettling in the DMV, and we need your help! In addition to financial support and teams of caring people to personally support these families, we also need:


  • Those with rental properties
  • Those with cars to donate
  • Those with jobs available for non-English speakers
  • Immigration attorneys willing to do pro-bono work, or attorneys who know immigration attorneys
  • Social workers or similar individuals who are familiar with helping people sign up for various benefits
  • Teachers or school social workers who can help if children need additional assistance in school
  • Those who can help with resumes and general job search skills


By God’s grace, our congregation has been blessed with a diversity of gifts! What a blessing! Please let us know how you can help.

You can give to this effort by scrolling down to the bottom of this page and clicking the “Give” button. You can then designate your gift to the “MBC Missions Fund” and select the “Afghanistan Relief” project. 100% of all donations given to the Missions Fund-Afghanistan Relief project will be used to support Afghanistan relief and Afghan refugees.


  • Pray for the resettlement of Afghan families and for welcoming communities to receive them throughout the U.S.
  • Pray for churches to be mobilized to welcome, minister and share the gospel to refugee families.
  • Pray that Christ would be proclaimed and believed in by Afghan refugees.
  • Additional Resources: