Kid's Quest
Join us on Sunday

MBC offers many exciting, fun and safe opportunities and activities for children from nursery to elementary school. Led by caring adults, we seek for each child to get to know God in a real and personal way. Ultimately, our goal is for each child to become a fully devoted follower of Christ—growing in their relationship with Jesus, serving with their gifts, connecting with God’s people, and sharing Jesus with others.

Ages and Stages

SUNDAYS 9:15 AM | 11 AM
We create a safe place for our infants and toddlers, where young children and their families can clearly see the love of Christ. Caring volunteers use care-giving, play, talking, and singing to familiarize each child, even our littlest ones, with God’s name and His love.

SUNDAYS 9:15 AM | 11 AM
Our goal is to create the first building blocks of a strong, Gospel-centered foundation for the preschoolers in our ministry. Using “The Gospel Project” curriculum, we teach the Word of God, making clear Christ-connections with each lesson, reinforcing the truth that the whole Bible is the story of our redemption through Jesus Christ. The children experience caring, growing, and discipling through our play time, large group lesson, and small groups. Our take- home activity helps us partner with parents in the spiritual growth of their children.

Younger Elementary (Kindergarten-2nd Grades) | Older Elementary (3rd-5th Grades)
Elementary Kid’s Quest helps kids discover and embrace a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by strengthening their foundation in the Bible and helping them become a witness to their peers. Elementary students experience caring, growing, and discipling through fun activities, interactive lessons and worship, and small groups where they can respond through discussion, prayer, or activities.





Check here regularly for new events.

How do I check in?

Kid’s Check-in opens 20 minutes before each service starts. If you’re visiting us for the first time, please stop by the check-in station with an attendant nearby — they are ready to assist you!

  • Parent Paging – If for some reason we need to get a hold of you during the service, we will send you a text on your cell phone.
  • Child Pick-up – You must present your portion of the sticker before we release your child.

Children must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or older sibling who is 16 or older. Children may not check themselves in.


Want to serve? 

We invite you to apply!  Please know that every volunteer is thoroughly trained and screened before they can begin serving.



Abi Byrd, Ministry Associate | [email protected]

Katie Swanson, KQ Admin | [email protected]

Kids Camp

Rising 2nd-5th graders are invited to join Kid’s Quest at CentriKid’s overnight summer camp from August 5-9! This summer, we will learn God sees, knows, and cares about our hearts. Amidst a week of camp games, new friends, and shaving cream wars, we will explore what really matters – a heart for God.

At camp, children will participate in large group worship times, bible studies, recreation activities, and activity groups based on their interests. There will also be plenty of time each day to hang out with their small group. Each day at camp will end with church group time where all MBC children gather together for reflection and activities.

The cost of camp includes housing, meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), all activities for the week, transportation to and from camp, a camp t-shirt, and a water bottle.


AWANA is a weekly program which provides a fun environment for children and youth ages 3-18 to learn God’s Word. Each week, AWANA provides teaching and training to develop strong moral and spiritual values, helping ‘clubbers’ learn about the reality of God and the truth of the Bible. To learn more, visit our AWANA page.